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reading corner for babies, mom reading book to newborn baby

FTF Partner and Tucson Medical Center create reading corner for babies in NICU

  • Pima North

The reading corner in the Tucson Medical Center neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) needed a little love, a certain something special to get parents and…

image of microphone, radio interview about young parents today

FTF leader talks AZ New Parent Guide, technology and the needs of young parents today in recent…

  • early childhood

In a recent interview with Flagstaff radio show host Jeff Kennedy of The Legend 93.5, First Things First Chief of External Affairs Angela Rabago-Mussi shared…

early childhood training courses, CCEI

FTF-funded training platform supports thousands of new child care staff in Arizona

  • child care providers

Since October 2021, almost 6,000 child care staff have subscribed to access the entire ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) training catalog.

portrait of Mazey Ortega wearing Miss Tohono O'odham Nation crown and sash.

First Things First in conversation with Miss Tohono O’odham Nation

  • Tohono O’odham Nation

First Things First spoke with Miss Tohono O’odham Nation Mazey Ortega about the importance of quality early childhood experiences.

resources for new and expectant parents, AZ New Parent Guide

Updated resources for new and expectant parents in Arizona

  • parenting

Because so many parents go online for advice and answers to questions, First Things First has updated information and resources to support new and soon-to-be…

child care teacher smiling at small table with art supplies, Quality First coaching

Quality First coaching helps create nurturing environments of learning

  • Quality First

Quality First helps child care providers in the state improve the quality of their programs to help children be ready for kindergarten.

state of child care in Arizona

Local business podcast explores the state of child care in Arizona and what businesses can do to…

  • child care

On a Phoenix business podcast, FTF leaders discussed the state of child care in Arizona, which is ripe with both challenges and opportunities.

International Decade of Indigenous Languages

First Things First joins in recognizing the International Decade of Indigenous Languages

  • Native language

Some FTF regions support a Native Language Preservation Strategy to give families tools to promote their children’s language development.

Dad in blue, long sleeve shirt showing little girl in purple something outside near a tree. Making nature accessible

Working to connect babies, toddlers and preschoolers to outdoor spaces

  • play

Research shows that connecting young children with nature contributes to their healthy development, including cognitively and emotionally.

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