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Legislative Day at Arizona State Capitol connects policymakers with early childhood stakeholders


The inaugural Early Childhood Legislative Day at the Arizona State Capitol on February 13 was a great success with over 200 attendees, including 42 legislators. The event sponsored by the Arizona Early Childhood Alliance (AZECA), of which  First Things First (FTF) is a member, provided an opportunity to share with policymakers why early childhood is critical to the future of our state and how it links to shared priorities, such as healthy children, strong families, greater academic achievement and increased economic development.

During the event, 20 in-office visits between stakeholders and legislators took place, as well as a lunch on the lawn of the Capitol allowing constituents to talk with representatives in their districts about how early childhood investments positively impact  their communities.

The day culminated with a presentation to the AZ House Education Committee by AZECA. During the presentation, FTF CEO Sam Leyvas, Stand for Children’s Executive Director Rebecca Gau, kindergarten teacher Candice Rice and business leader Susan Frank shared with legislators how early childhood impacts later success in school, in the workforce and in life.

Click here for more information on how every $1 invested in early childhood yields a $16 return.

(Photo: Rep. Rosanna Gabaldon, District 2, talks with Vitalyst Healthcare Foundation about the importance of early childhood.)


About AZECA – The Arizona Early Childhood Alliance is an alliance of 40 cross-sector partners statewide with the goal of ensuring all Arizona children are prepared for kindergarten and on track to succeed by the end of third grade

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